Analog Devices Inc. | Heisener Electronics
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Analog Devices Inc.

Analog Devices has built one of the longest standing, highest growth companies within the technology sector utilizing cultural pillars such as innovation, performance, and excellence. Acknowledged industry-wide as the world leader in data conversion and signal conditioning technology, Analog Devices serves over 100,000 customers, representing virtually all types of electronic equipment. Celebrating over 50 years as a leading global manufacturer of high-performance integrated circuits used in analog and digital signal processing applications, Analog Devices is headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts, with design and manufacturing facilities throughout the world. Analog Devices' is included in the S&P 500 Index. Analog Devices acquired Hittite Microwave Products. Analog Devices' portfolio now spans the entire frequency spectrum of RF, microwave and millimeter wave. Analog Devices acquired Linear Technology. With the power of this combined portfolio, Analog Devices is now the premier global high-performance analog industry leader.

Linha de Produtos

Dispositivos de temperatura, sobrecorrente, sobretensão

Cristais, osciladores, ressonadores

Produtos semicondutores discretos

Circuitos integrados


Fontes de alimentação - Montagem na placa

Fontes de alimentação - Externa / Interna (off-board)


Sensores e transdutores

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